Thursday, April 23, 2020

S2 - DAY 69/70: APRIL 23/24- UNIT 1 REVIEW GAME TIME! ...and start UNIT 2!

Hi Everybody APGOPO! 

I hope you are doing well!  I am a bit concerned and, to be perfectly honest, a bit disappointed in your lack of engagement with classwork.  Only about 5-6 students in each class are diligently completing the work assigned...and... WE STILL HAVE A MONTH TO GO! :(   Please be aware your March 13 Progress Report grade can go down ONE letter grade!

I know this isn't ideal and it's new BUT it may be our reality for a while ...not just for this year...maybe even next year!  We could be going through "waves" of on and off quarantine periods until there is a treatment or a vaccine.  The sooner we get used "school online" the better.

YOUR EDUCATION IS NOT ANY LESS IMPORTANT!  Only YOU have the power to make the most of what is offered to you!  ...DON'T CHECK OUT! ...TRY TO STAY INVOLVED VIRTUALLY!  ...SEE BELOW!



  • EARTH DAY - Wednesday, April 22nd is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! To celebrate, The West Leyden Ecology Club has put together a document that gives suggestions/links for activities that you could do in-person (safely, of course) and digitally to celebrate.  They are asking people to post about them on Twitter - Leyden Ecology Club @WestEcology_212 and #leydenpride:

LESSON FOR DAY 69/70: APRIL 23/24:

    • GO TO REVIEW QUIZLET UNIT 1 LINK   ....if you need to JOIN MY CLASS USE THIS LINK ...if you have an "alias" that is not clear...please email me your name if you do not see that I have given you a grade in HAC!
    • COMPLETE the "Learn" activity until you "Master" it and get a Trophy! ...100 points
    • LOGIN FOR QUIZLET LIVE GAMETIME!...100 points!  There are 3 ZOOM meeting times!  Choose ONE to attend!  You will find all of these links in your gmail OR chat a few minutes before.  Be sure you sign in so I can identify you in the waiting room and let you in.  Participant video will be turned off and you will be muted.  There is a chat function on the bottom right where I will send the join codes and you can communicate with me.  It may take us a few minutes to get started so be patient and don't hesitate to join if you are a bit late.  You can open Zoom on one page and minimize and then login to Quizlet Live on another page to play.  OR,  it may be helpful to have your phone or a second device.   These are the synchronous class  "meeting times" the district established for periods 3, 9, and 10....100 points
      • THURSDAY, APRIL 23 at 2:00-2:45
      • FRIDAY, APRIL 24 at 11:30-12:15
      • FRIDAY, APRIL 24 at 2:30-3:15
    • Ms. Ryan's APGOPO EDPUZZLE JOIN LINK here:
    • WATCH Review Video 5:  Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress ....100 points
      • After some feedback from you and MY SONS:) I eliminated a lot of the interrupting questions....there are only 5? note stops and one open-ended question...just watch the video and take notes for yourself.  THIS IS A GREAT REVIEW ON ALL THINGS CONGRESS AND WELL WORTH IT!... there is also a great explanation on how your ARGUMENT ESSAY will be scored...remember it is 60% of your grade!  I will make these more viewer friendly from this point forward!

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