Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Hi Everybody!

I hope you are doing well!  Here's your assignments for the week - DUE FRIDAY 7:30 AM.  

If you need to check in with me, I am going to be checking my email between 7:30-3:30 EVERYDAY.  PLEASE EMAIL MY STUDENT ACCOUNT WITH ANY QUESTIONS: bryan@student.leyden212.org

The goal for this week is for you to complete reading and taking notes on Chapter 12  of your text.  THIS IS YOUR PRIORITY! I will need to see evidence of your note-taking so you will have to send me some pictures or do your notes digitally on the digital outline I have provided below.  I will give you more information on Friday as to how to submit this. At the end of the week I will have a digital assessment on Chapter 12 for you you complete and submit.

I will also be including the links to activities and enrichment videos that will help you understand some of the content in the chapter.  These activities are in the packet you received Friday.  Here is a scanned copy of the packet I distribute on Friday, March 13:  AP GOV UNIT 7 ACTIVITIES PACKET.  If you did not receive this there is no need to worry. I will link the digital handouts with the video links below.  You do not need to print the pages, just take notes on notebook paper and hold on to it.  I am still trying to figure out how to best review this and give you credit for this practice.

Ms. Ryan


1. READ Chapter 12 Textbook Link and TAKE notes ...either on your own or (on Ms. Ryan's Chapter 12 Notes Outline ....still working on it ) BE READY FOR A SHORT ANSWER ASSESSMENT ON FRIDAY FOR THE ENTIRE CHAPTER.... I will be posting some video narrated slides  shortly so check back.

2. PRACTICE ACTIVITIES can be found in the AP GOV UNIT 7 ACTIVITIES PACKET.  These activities are NOT REQUIRED and are only for enrichment to help you understand the content  HIGHLIGHTED are strongly recommended.  If you are having trouble with certain content I will refer you to these activities for better understanding after you are assessed.  You will NOT be penalized if you do not complete them.  Practice activities for Chapter 12 include:

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