Wednesday, October 2, 2019


TODAY WE WILL:  (....FYI ...You will have a Substitute teacher tomorrow! Make sure your Chromebook is charged up and you have headphones. You will be watching videos to review the information you should have learned in 6.1, 6.2, & 6.3.  You WILL have an OPEN-NOTE quiz Friday.)

TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY FOR UNIT 1 - PLEASE SUBMIT ANY UNIT 1 WORK TO MS. RYAN BY THE END OF THE DAY!  ALL "M" assignments will become "0" in the grade book otherwise.

TEST CORRECTIONS TODAY!  In order to complete test corrections you MUST bring your reading notes to class!  This is an AP US Government & Politics district-wide policy...NO NOTES - NO BONUS TEST CORRECTIONS!  You are able to use your notes to correct a maximum of 10 questions to earn back 1/2 pint for each for a total of 5 point or a 12.5 % increase on your test grade.  If you do not finish this in class you can come see me until NEXT Friday, October 11:
  • 7:00-7:30 before school in 152-J
  • 2:30-3:30 after school in 152-F
FYI - TEST MAKE-UP:  Tests need to be made up within 2 days of testing.  I have extended this 2 days already for the FRQ!  ALL TESTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL!  Please plan on arranging a time to take the UNIT 1 FRQ/MCQ test/s. You will need 40 minutes for each test.  If you have a study hall please let me know and I will leave the test/s for you in the testing center.
  • Wednesday - 2:30-3:30 after school 152-f
  • Thursday - 6:45-7:30 before school 152-j
  • Thursday - 2:30-3:30 after school 152-f

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